Apr 8, 2021
Edinburgh University is a member of the UNA Europa alliance of eight universities which includes Freie Universität Berlin, Università di Bologna, Helsingin Yliopisto, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, KU Leuven, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Université...
Nov 4, 2020
I was very happy to be nominated for one of the Edinburgh University ‘breakthroughs of the year’ for the Falling Walls competition 2020. I didn’t win but was happy with my pitch, which used the Near Future Teaching project to make the point that...
Nov 4, 2020
Those of us in the author team of the Manifesto for Teaching Online gave a series of short seminars during September 2020 to launch our new book of the manifesto. This is my talk on the concept of ‘campus envy’, and you can catch up with the whole series...
Aug 4, 2020
In September 2020 MIT Press will be publishing our new book – The Manifesto for Teaching Online is available for pre-order now. The book takes the text of our 2016 manifesto – a series of provocations and imperatives concerning how we teach online –...
Jul 20, 2020
We have just published our research centre report for the last year. It celebrates our collective output (more than 50 publications!), our projects and our amazing people. A new visualisation from our graphic designer, peakfifteen, details our global reach over the...