Some more upcoming talks

These are all in my diary for 2015 now and I’m very much looking forward to them: Keynote for E-MOOCs in Mons, Belgium in May Keynote for CELT annual conference in Galway, June Keynote for EuroCALL 2015 at Universita di Padova, Italy, August...

My inaugural lecture

There’s no denying the stressfulness of delivering an inaugural lecture, however now it’s done it feels safe to say I enjoyed it (kind of!). Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement, cards, gifts and good feelings. Here’s the video:...

Teaching in Higher Education

I’m on the new Executive editorial group of the journal Teaching in Higher Education since last year. Previously, Sue Clegg did an amazing job of leading this journal, and now she’s stepped down it’s taking 6 of us to fill her shoes. Penny Jane Burke...

New MOOC project with National Museums Scotland

We’re very pleased to be working on a new MOOC project in partnership with our colleagues Alison Morrison-Low and Christine McLean at the National Museum. It’s to run in tandem with a major new exhibition coming up in Edinburgh in June 2015 called...

Autumn talks

I’ve got three talks and keynotes lined up for this autumn, all of which I’m really looking forward to. In September I’m going to the European Association for International Education conference in Prague, to talk alongside the EC High Level Group on...

A new paper and other publication thoughts

My sabbatical is now formally over and one of my sabbatical publications is out already: Bayne, S. (2014) What’s the matter with ‘Technology Enhanced Learning’?. Learning, Media and Technology. DOI: 10.1080/17439884.2014.915851 I’m pleased to get this one...