Mar 15, 2019
The new paper from our project on Yik Yak and the social value of anonymity is now out in Learning, Media and Technology. We used the failure of this anonymous social media app to look at the value of anonymity among student communities. We pushed back on the knee...
Sep 7, 2018
Students and colleagues have often asked me for a brief introduction to what we mean by ‘posthumanism’, and the implications this body of thought has for education. So I was pleased when Anne Rohstock got in touch to ask if I could publish something...
Jul 3, 2018
The final set of video edits from the Near Future Teaching project are now online. These were thematically clustered from around 70 interviews with staff and students at the University of Edinburgh, and surface some of the issues and values the community would like...
Sep 19, 2017
I have a new project running this year, along with the wonderful Jennifer Williams, Michael Gallagher, Lucy Kendra and colleagues, which aims to ‘design the future of digital education at Edinbugh’. Through a series of events, workshops, thinktanks...
Sep 18, 2017
After my Alt-C talk this September, which discussed the social value of anonymity within universities, David Kernohan from the excellent WonkHE kindly asked me to write a blog post covering some of the...