Jul 31, 2015
Jeremy Knox, Jen Ross and I have been working on this special issue for a couple of years now, are thrilled to see it in press at last. We’re very happy with the final collection, which features some cracking articles from Richard Edwards, Bonnie Stewart,...
May 21, 2015
The Digital Education group have developed a simple twitterbot which has been teaching alongside us on the ‘E-learning and digital cultures’ MOOC. Featured in the Times Higher Education today , the ‘teacherbot’ was an experiment in thinking about how code, algorithm...
Apr 3, 2015
Jeremy Knox and I have been co-teaching this course on our MSc in Digital Education this semester and it’s been a blast! Many thanks to all the students who’ve done such interesting work over the last few weeks. The course is a bit unusual in that...
Mar 21, 2015
These are all in my diary for 2015 now and I’m very much looking forward to them: Keynote for E-MOOCs in Mons, Belgium in May Keynote for CELT annual conference in Galway, June Keynote for EuroCALL 2015 at Universita di Padova, Italy, August...
Mar 11, 2015
There’s no denying the stressfulness of delivering an inaugural lecture, however now it’s done it feels safe to say I enjoyed it (kind of!). Thanks to everyone for all the encouragement, cards, gifts and good feelings. Here’s the video:...