We’ve just finalised the game plan for the Digital Cultures and Education research group discussions this year – all welcome so just drop me a line if you’d like to come. They are every last Friday of the month, 12-2pm, Room 1.37 Paterson’s Land on the Holyrood campus.
January 31st | Jeremy Knox | The forum, the sardine can and the fake | |
February 28th | Andrew Manches | Education and the internet of things | |
March 28th | Clara O’Shea and Tim Fawns | Supporting collaborative connoisseurship | |
April 25th | Sue Fletcher-Watson | Autism and technology | |
May 30th | Phil Sheail | The digital university: translocal, transtemporal | |
September 26th | Sian Bayne | Posthumanism in education | |
October 31st | Jen Ross | Encounters in and beyond the room |