Jan 8, 2014
We’ve just finalised the game plan for the Digital Cultures and Education research group discussions this year – all welcome so just drop me a line if you’d like to come. They are every last Friday of the month, 12-2pm, Room 1.37 Paterson’s...
Oct 8, 2013
Jen Ross and I have a chapter out in the new book edited by Robin Goodfellow and Mary Lea. Literacy in the Digital University comes out of the excellent ESRC seminar series of the same name, which Robin led and blogged here. Our chapter considers the pedagogy of the...
Aug 29, 2013
It’s been in review for over a year but at last the paper I wrote with James Lamb and Michael Sean Gallagher is accepted for publication in Higher Education. This comes out of our project on the New Geographies of Learning, and looks at how distance students...
Aug 25, 2013
Thanks to Jen Ross’s Beltane Parliament Fellowship, Hamish Macleod, Jen and I got to run a session in the Spiegeltent at the Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas, during the Edinburgh Fringe 2013. Here we are, talking about the end of education during our session on The...