Futures for universities: stories and speculations
Jen Ross, Michael Gallagher and I wrote a new set of speculative scenarios and short stories for the futures of universities.
Centre for Research in Digital Education 2022 report is out!
Our 2022 Research Centre report celebrates the diversity of our research and its championing of work addressing educational inequalities, digital and data ethics and education futures.
Uncertain futures
“We have the opportunity now to broaden our concept of what university is…”
On impact….
Our colleagues in Communications have written a nice piece explaining how the Centre for Research in Digital Education has helped shape the future of education through our research.
Our new Masters programmes at EFI are recruiting!
We have launched our brand new, interdisciplinary, challenge-focused Masters programmes from the Edinburgh Futures Institute. An exciting moment!
The activist university – new paper
‘There is a note of activism hanging in the air in many universities, a sense that studying, teaching, and researching is not enough….’
Manifesto keynote at DT&L
Jeremy Knox and I gave the DT&L opening keynote this year, beautifully illustrated by Will Santino.
Our 2021 Centre report
Our annual report covering our work during 2020-2021 is out: we are proud of all we’ve done through the pandemic time.
The European University of the Future: bold, integrated, open
Our new position paper from the European university alliance UNA Europa Future UniLab describes the future university as built on a clear statement of values, a commitment to sustainability and a re-thinking of the way we understand university space.
15th Annual Drapers lecture: the future of digital education
In the 2020 Annual Drapers’ Lecture, I talked about the future of digital education and how this traumatic last year might shape and change the way universities teach.